by Charles Herring | Sep 15, 2021 | blog, InfoSec Craft
Machine Learning Driven Social Engineering talk will be given at GrrCon on 9/16/2021 at 4:30pm. Abstract Machine learning (ML) is arguably the most potent advancement in technology since atomic fission with similar benefit and risk extremes. The outcome driven nature...
by Charles Herring | Mar 23, 2021 | blog, InfoSec Craft, Law Enforcement
The 2020 Internet Crime Report from the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) has been released and can be viewed here: I highly recommend all in SECOPS take a moment to grok the content. I’d like to...
by Tim Bradford | Jan 19, 2021 | blog, InfoSec Business, InfoSec Craft, Inside WitFoo, WitFoo Story
Cybersecurity is difficult, even for the most well-funded and security conscious organizations. The amount of knowledge and skill required to be successful is immense. Even with deep pockets and expert personnel, the volume of work required is more than...
by Charles Herring | Jan 8, 2021 | In The News, InfoSec Craft, InfoSec How-To
Searching for the TLD of the Solarwinds DGA will quickly reveal any hits reported to Precinct. The TLD to search is Months of incident data can be searched in moments and full, big-data search can run as a job. Note, there have been no reports of...
by Charles Herring | Nov 24, 2020 | blog, InfoSec Business, InfoSec Craft, Inside WitFoo, Law Enforcement, WitFoo Story
On Emergency Leave on 9/11 In September of 2001, I had been on active duty in the US Navy for 6 years. I was stationed with the World-Famous Golden Dragons of VFA-192 in Atsugi, Japan, running the night shift of the Integrated Weapons Team. On the morning of September...
by Charles Herring | Nov 19, 2020 | blog, InfoSec Craft, InfoSec How-To, WitFoo Story
Bio CHARLES HERRING WitFoo Chief Technology Officer Charles’ dedication to maturing the craft of InfoSec is built on a diverse career path across the industry. He started his career in InfoSec in the US Navy in 2002 serving as the Network Security Officer at the US...